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Build Your Laravel User Interface Today

Ryan Forrester
Mar 22nd, 2024

Building Your First Laravel User Interface (Step-by-Step Guide)

Building a modern web application often requires integrating a front-end user interface with a back-end framework.

Laravel, a popular PHP web application framework, provides a solid foundation for building robust and scalable applications. However, to create an engaging and interactive user experience, you’ll need to combine Laravel with a front-end JavaScript framework or library.

This comprehensive step-by-step guide walks you through the process of building your first Laravel user interface, covering everything from setting up the project to integrating a front-end framework like Vue.js, and deploying the application for production.

Set Up a New Laravel Project

  • Install Laravel if you haven’t already: composer global require laravel/installer
  • Create a new Laravel project: laravel new project-name
  • Navigate to the project directory: cd project-name

Install Required Dependencies

  • Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) if you haven’t already.
  • Install the required JavaScript dependencies (e.g., Vue.js, React, or any other front-end framework/library you prefer) by running the appropriate command in your terminal. For example, to install Vue.js:
npm install --save-dev vue@next vue-loader@next

Configure webpack.mix.js File

  • Open the webpack.mix.js file located in the root directory of your Laravel project.
  • Configure the file to include the necessary JavaScript dependencies and their entry points.
  • For example, if you’re using Vue.js, your webpack.mix.js file might look like this:
const mix = require('laravel-mix');

mix.js('resources/js/app.js', 'public/js')

Create Your Vue.js (or Other Front-End Framework) Components

  • Create a new directory called components inside the resources/js directory.
  • Create your Vue.js (or other front-end framework) components inside the components directory.
  • For example, create a file called Example.vue inside resources/js/components with the following content:
    <h1>Hello, Laravel!</h1>

export default {
  name: 'Example'

Side Note: There’s an Easier Way To Build Your Interface

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Import and Use Your Components in the Main App.js File

  • Open the resources/js/app.js file.
  • Import your Vue.js (or other front-end framework) components.
  • Mount your Vue.js instance and specify the target element for rendering.
  • For example, with Vue.js:
import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Example from './components/Example.vue';

const app = createApp({});
app.component('example-component', Example);

Create a Blade Template for Rendering Your Vue.js Components

  • Create a new blade template file inside the resources/views directory, e.g., example.blade.php.
  • Add a div with an id where your Vue.js components will be rendered, and include the compiled JavaScript file.
  • For example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Laravel User Interface</title>
    <script src="{{ mix('/js/app.js') }}" defer></script>
    <div id="app">

Create a Route and Controller for Rendering the Blade Template

  • Create a new route in the routes/web.php file:
Route::get('/', 'ExampleController@index');
  • Create a new controller called ExampleController by running the following Artisan command:
php artisan make:controller ExampleController
  • Open the app/Http/Controllers/ExampleController.php file and define the index method to return the blade template:

namespace App\Http\Controllers;

class ExampleController extends Controller
  public function index()
    return view('example');

Run the Development Server

  • Run the Laravel development server with the following command:
php artisan serve
  • Open your web browser and navigate to http://localhost:8000 to see your Laravel user interface.

Build for Production

  • When you’re ready to deploy your Laravel interface to a production server, run the following command to compile your assets:
npm run production
  • This will create a public/js/app.js file with your optimized and minified JavaScript code.

When you run the Laravel development server, navigate to http://localhost:8000.

Conclusion: Creating Your Laravel User Interface

Keep in mind that this is a basic setup, and you may need to adjust the configuration and add more functionality based on your specific requirements. Additionally, you can incorporate other front-end libraries or frameworks, such as React or Angular, by following a similar approach and adjusting the configuration accordingly.

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