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LAG Function in SQL (How to Guide)

Ryan Forrester
Sep 9th, 2024

Breakdown LAG Function in SQL

This article will dive deep into the LAG function, exploring its syntax, use cases, and how it can help your data analysis capabilities.

Understanding the LAG Function

The LAG function is a window function in SQL that allows you to access data from a previous row in the same result set without the need for self-joins.

It’s part of the ANSI SQL standard and is supported by most modern database management systems, including Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL (version 8.0+).

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the LAG function is as follows:

LAG(expression [, offset [, default_value]]) OVER (
    [PARTITION BY partition_expression, ... ]
    ORDER BY sort_expression [ASC | DESC], ...
  • expression: The column or expression whose value you want to retrieve from a previous row.
  • offset: (Optional) The number of rows to look back. Default is 1 if not specified.
  • default_value: (Optional) The value to return if the offset goes beyond the scope of the partition.

Practical Applications of the LAG Function

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where the LAG function proves invaluable:

1. Calculating Period-over-Period Changes

One of the most common uses of the LAG function is to calculate changes between consecutive periods. For example, let’s say we want to analyze monthly sales data:

    LAG(total_sales) OVER (ORDER BY sales_month) AS previous_month_sales,
    total_sales - LAG(total_sales) OVER (ORDER BY sales_month) AS sales_difference
FROM monthly_sales;

This query retrieves the current month’s sales, the previous month’s sales, and calculates the difference, all in one efficient operation.

2. Identifying Trends and Patterns

The LAG function can help identify trends by comparing current values with previous ones:

        WHEN stock_price > LAG(stock_price) OVER (ORDER BY date) THEN 'Increase'
        WHEN stock_price < LAG(stock_price) OVER (ORDER BY date) THEN 'Decrease'
        ELSE 'No Change'
    END AS price_trend
FROM stock_prices;

This query labels each day’s stock price movement as an increase, decrease, or no change compared to the previous day.

3. Detecting Anomalies

By comparing current values with previous ones, we can easily detect anomalies or sudden changes:

    LAG(transaction_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY transaction_date) AS previous_transaction,
        WHEN transaction_amount > 2 * LAG(transaction_amount) OVER (PARTITION BY customer_id ORDER BY transaction_date)
        THEN 'Potential Anomaly'
        ELSE 'Normal'
    END AS transaction_flag
FROM customer_transactions;

This query flags transactions that are more than double the customer’s previous transaction amount, potentially indicating fraudulent activity.

LAG Function in SQL with a Rapid Database Builder

While understanding SQL and executing efficient queries isn’t too difficult, using advanced functions like the LAG function in SQL can require a deeper understanding, especially when analyzing trends or accessing previous rows in a dataset.

This is where rapid database builders like Five come into play. Five provides a MySQL database for your application and generates an automatic UI, making it easier to interact with your data.

With Five, you can create interactive forms, tables, dynamic charts, comprehensive PDF reports, and dashboards that are automatically generated based on your database schema, making it easy to visualise the results of functions like LAG.

Five also enables you to write custom JavaScript and TypeScript functions, providing the flexibility to implement complex business logic.

Once your application is ready, Five simplifies deployment with just a few clicks, allowing you to deploy your MySQL-based application.

This lets you focus on building and analyzing your data, while Five handles the complexities of cloud deployment and infrastructure management.

If you’re serious about using SQL efficiently, give Five a try.

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Other Techniques with LAG Function

As you become more comfortable with the basic usage of LAG, you can explore more advanced techniques to further enhance your data analysis capabilities.

1. Multiple LAG Calls

You can use multiple LAG functions in a single query to compare values across different time periods:

    LAG(daily_sales, 1) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY sales_date) AS prev_day_sales,
    LAG(daily_sales, 7) OVER (PARTITION BY product_id ORDER BY sales_date) AS prev_week_sales
FROM product_sales;

This query retrieves the previous day’s sales and the sales from a week ago for each product.

2. Combining LAG with Other Window Functions

LAG can be powerful when combined with other window functions. For example, let’s calculate a moving average along with the previous value:

    LAG(daily_sales) OVER (ORDER BY sales_date) AS prev_day_sales,
    AVG(daily_sales) OVER (
        ORDER BY sales_date
    ) AS seven_day_moving_avg
FROM sales_data;

This query provides insights into daily sales fluctuations while smoothing out short-term variations with a 7-day moving average.

3. Using LAG with PARTITION BY

The PARTITION BY clause allows you to reset the LAG function for different groups within your data:

    LAG(salary) OVER (
        PARTITION BY department 
        ORDER BY hire_date
    ) AS prev_hire_salary,
    salary - LAG(salary) OVER (
        PARTITION BY department 
        ORDER BY hire_date
    ) AS salary_difference
FROM employee_data;

This query compares each employee’s salary with the salary of the previously hired employee in the same department.

Things to Note

While the LAG function is powerful, it’s important to use it judiciously and be aware of potential pitfalls:

  1. Performance Considerations: Window functions like LAG can be computationally expensive on large datasets. Ensure your queries are properly optimized and consider using indexes on columns used in the PARTITION BY and ORDER BY clauses.
  2. Handling NULL Values: Be cautious when dealing with NULL values. Consider using the COALESCE function or specifying a default value in the LAG function to handle cases where the previous row doesn’t exist.
  3. Date and Time Data: When working with date or timestamp columns, be aware of potential gaps in your data. The LAG function will retrieve the previous row based on your ORDER BY clause, which may not always be the previous calendar day or time period.
  4. Readability: While LAG can often replace self-joins, sometimes a self-join might be more readable or performant. Choose the approach that best balances performance and maintainability for your specific use case.


The LAG function in SQL is a tool that can enhance your data analysis capabilities. By allowing easy access to previous row values, it enables efficient period-over-period comparisons, trend analysis, and anomaly detection.

As with any advanced SQL feature, the key to mastering LAG lies in practice and real-world application.

Sign up for free access to Five’s online development environment and start building your MySQL web application today.

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