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MySQL FIND_IN_SET(): A Comprehensive Guide

Ryan Forrester
Sep 2nd, 2024

Breakdown of MySQL FIND_IN_SET

MySQL’s FIND_IN_SET() function is a useful tool for searching strings within a comma-separated list. Whether you’re dealing with tags, categories, or any other scenario where data is stored in a comma-separated format, FIND_IN_SET() can help you efficiently locate specific values within your data.

What is FIND_IN_SET()?

FIND_IN_SET() is a MySQL function that returns the position of a string within a comma-separated list of strings. If the string is found, the function returns the position (starting from 1). If the string is not found, it returns 0. If any input argument is NULL, the function returns NULL.


FIND_IN_SET(string_to_find, string_list)
  • string_to_find: The string you want to search for.
  • string_list: The comma-separated list in which you want to search.


Consider the following example:

SELECT FIND_IN_SET('apple', 'banana,orange,apple,grape') AS position;

In this case, FIND_IN_SET('apple', 'banana,orange,apple,grape') will return 3 because ‘apple’ is the third item in the list.

Practical Uses of FIND_IN_SET()

1. Filtering Rows Based on Comma-Separated Values

One of the most common use cases for FIND_IN_SET() is filtering rows in a database table where a column contains comma-separated values. For instance, suppose you have a table products with a tags column that stores tags as comma-separated values:

SELECT * FROM products WHERE FIND_IN_SET('electronics', tags);

This query will return all products tagged with ‘electronics’.

2. Ordering Results Based on a Specific Value

You can also use FIND_IN_SET() to order your results based on the position of a value within a comma-separated list. For example:

SELECT * FROM products ORDER BY FIND_IN_SET('electronics', tags) DESC;

This query will prioritize products that have ‘electronics’ as a tag.

3. Joining Tables Based on Comma-Separated Values

Although not as efficient as other methods, FIND_IN_SET() can be used in join conditions when dealing with comma-separated lists:

SELECT p.*, c.*
FROM products p
JOIN categories c ON FIND_IN_SET(, p.category_ids);

In this example, the category_ids column in the products table contains a comma-separated list of category IDs.

FIND IN SET with a Rapid Database Builder

While understanding SQL and executing efficient queries isn’t too difficult, working with complex string operations in a MySQL database often requires significant SQL knowledge. This is where rapid database builders like Five come into play.

Five provides a MySQL database for your application and generates an automatic UI, making it easier to interact with your data, including scenarios where you need to search within comma-separated lists using functions like FIND_IN_SET().

With Five, you can create interactive forms, dynamic charts, and comprehensive PDF reports that are automatically generated based on your database schema. These features are particularly useful when you need to visualize and report on data stored in formats that require FIND_IN_SET() for querying.

Five also enables you to write custom JavaScript and TypeScript functions, providing additional flexibility to implement complex business logic.

Once your application is ready, Five makes deployment easy with just a few clicks, allowing you to deploy your MySQL-based application to a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure. This lets you focus on development while Five handles the intricacies of cloud deployment.

If you’re serious about using MySQL and efficiently managing your data, give Five a try.

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While FIND_IN_SET() is convenient, it’s important to note that it can be less efficient than other querying methods, especially with large datasets. This inefficiency arises because FIND_IN_SET() does not use indexes, which means it has to perform a full table scan to find matches.

Tips for Optimization

  • Avoid Using Comma-Separated Values: If possible, normalize your database structure instead of using comma-separated values. This involves creating a separate table for the values and using joins to retrieve the data.
  • Limit the Use of FIND_IN_SET(): Use FIND_IN_SET() for small datasets or infrequent queries. For larger datasets, consider redesigning your database to avoid the need for such functions.

FIND_IN_SET() is Case-Sensitive

1. Case Sensitivity

FIND_IN_SET() is case-sensitive. If you need a case-insensitive search, you can use the LOWER() or UPPER() functions:

SELECT FIND_IN_SET(LOWER('Apple'), LOWER('banana,orange,apple,grape')) AS position;

2. Dealing with NULL Values

If either the string_to_find or string_list is NULL, FIND_IN_SET() will return NULL. Always ensure that your data is properly validated to avoid unexpected results.

3. Empty Strings

FIND_IN_SET('','string_list') will return 0 because an empty string is not considered a valid value in the list.

Alternatives to FIND_IN_SET()

In cases where performance is critical, and your dataset is large, consider using alternatives to FIND_IN_SET():

  • Normalization: As mentioned, normalize your data by breaking down comma-separated values into a separate table.
  • LIKE Operator: Although not a perfect substitute, the LIKE operator can sometimes be used depending on the specific requirements:
  SELECT * FROM products WHERE tags LIKE '%electronics%';

Note that this approach may lead to false positives (e.g., matching ‘electronics-accessories’ when you’re looking for ‘electronics’).


The FIND_IN_SET() function in MySQL is a tool for searching within comma-separated lists. While it offers convenience, especially in legacy systems where comma-separated values are common, it’s essential to use it judiciously due to potential performance drawbacks.

Sign up for free access to Five’s online development environment and start building your MySQL web application today.


Q1: Can FIND_IN_SET() handle numbers as well as strings?

Yes, FIND_IN_SET() can handle both numbers and strings, as long as they are in the correct format within the comma-separated list.

Q2: Is there a limit to the number of items in the comma-separated list?

While MySQL does not impose a strict limit, performance can degrade with very large lists. It’s better to avoid extremely long lists and consider normalization instead.

Q3: How do I make FIND_IN_SET() case-insensitive?

You can use the LOWER() or UPPER() functions to ensure case-insensitivity:

SELECT FIND_IN_SET(LOWER('item'), LOWER('list,item,values')) AS position;

Q4: Can I use FIND_IN_SET() in an UPDATE statement?

Yes, FIND_IN_SET() can be used in UPDATE statements to conditionally update rows based on the presence of a value in a comma-separated list.

Q5: What are the alternatives to FIND_IN_SET() for better performance?

Consider normalizing your data into separate tables or using the LIKE operator for partial matches, keeping in mind the potential for false positives.

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