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MySQL DECIMAL vs FLOAT: A Complete Guide

Ryan Forrester
Aug 14th, 2024

Breakdown of MySQL Decimal vs Float

When working with MySQL, choosing the right data type for storing numerical values is crucial. Two common data types for handling numbers with decimals are DECIMAL and FLOAT. While both can store fractional values, they serve different purposes and have distinct characteristics. Understanding the differences between DECIMAL and FLOAT can help you optimize your MySQL database for performance, precision, and storage efficiency.

In this article, we’ll dive into the key differences between DECIMAL and FLOAT in MySQL, their respective use cases, and how to decide which one to use for your specific needs.

Understanding MySQL DECIMAL

The DECIMAL data type in MySQL is designed for storing exact numeric values with a fixed number of decimal places. It’s commonly used in financial applications where precision is critical, such as when dealing with currency, interest rates, or other monetary values.

Key Characteristics of DECIMAL

  • Precision: DECIMAL stores numbers as exact values, meaning there’s no approximation or rounding errors. This is especially important in applications where accuracy is paramount.
  • Storage Format: MySQL stores DECIMAL values as strings (characters), which allows for exact storage of the numbers without any loss of precision.
  • Customization: You can define both the total number of digits (precision) and the number of digits after the decimal point (scale). For example, DECIMAL(10,2) would store a number with up to 8 digits before the decimal and 2 digits after the decimal.

Example Usage:

CREATE TABLE financial_data (
    amount DECIMAL(10,2)

In this example, the amount column can store values like 12345678.90 with exact precision.

Understanding MySQL FLOAT

The FLOAT data type in MySQL is used for storing approximate numeric values with floating-point precision. Unlike DECIMAL, FLOAT is not exact and can introduce small rounding errors. It’s best suited for scientific calculations, graphics, and other applications where absolute precision is not as critical.

Key Characteristics of FLOAT

  • Approximation: FLOAT stores numbers as approximate values, which means it can introduce rounding errors. This is because FLOAT uses binary floating-point representation.
  • Storage Efficiency: FLOAT typically requires less storage space than DECIMAL for numbers with many decimal places, making it more efficient for large datasets where precision is less important.
  • Range: FLOAT can represent a much wider range of values compared to DECIMAL, making it ideal for storing very large or very small numbers.

Example Usage:

CREATE TABLE sensor_data (
    temperature FLOAT

In this example, the temperature column can store values like 23.56789, but the exact value may be slightly off due to floating-point approximation.

MySQL Decimal or Float with a Rapid Database Builder

While understanding SQL and executing efficient queries is crucial, building a complete database requires significant SQL knowledge. This is where rapid database builders like Five come into play.

In Five, you can define your database schema using MySQL, including selecting the appropriate data types like DECIMAL and FLOAT. Five provides a MySQL database for your application and generates an automatic UI, making it easier to interact with your data.

With Five, you can create forms, charts, and reports based on your database schema. This means you can build interfaces that effectively handle numeric fields, whether they require the exact precision of DECIMAL or the flexibility of FLOAT.

For example, if you want to store and display financial transactions, you would use a DECIMAL field to ensure the accuracy of monetary amounts. On the other hand, for storing temperature readings from a sensor, a FLOAT field would be more suitable, allowing you to efficiently handle a wide range of values with slight rounding errors that do not affect the overall application.

Five also allows you to write custom JavaScript and TypeScript functions, giving you the flexibility to implement complex business logic. This is crucial for applications that require more than just standard CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations. By combining DECIMAL and FLOAT fields with custom logic, you can create dynamic and interactive applications that meet specific business needs.

Once your application is built, you can deploy it to a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure with just a few clicks. This allows you to focus on development without worrying about the complexities of cloud deployment.

If you are serious about working with MySQL, give Five a try. Sign up for free access to Five’s online development environment and start building your web application today.

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Lets jump back into comparing comparing MySQL DECIMAL and FLOAT


To help you choose between DECIMAL and FLOAT, let’s compare them based on several key factors:


  • DECIMAL: Provides exact precision, making it ideal for financial and accounting data where accuracy is crucial.
  • FLOAT: Provides approximate precision, which can lead to rounding errors. Suitable for scientific calculations where slight inaccuracies are acceptable.

Storage Requirements

  • DECIMAL: Generally requires more storage space, especially for numbers with a large number of digits. The storage requirement depends on the defined precision and scale.
  • FLOAT: More storage-efficient, especially for numbers with many decimal places, but this comes at the cost of precision.


  • DECIMAL: Might have a slight performance overhead due to its storage format, but this is usually negligible unless dealing with extremely large datasets.
  • FLOAT: Typically faster for calculations, especially in large datasets, due to its efficient storage and handling.

When to Use DECIMAL

  • Financial Applications: If you’re storing currency values or any other financial data where exact precision is required, DECIMAL is the clear choice.
  • Exact Numbers: When the number must be stored as entered without any rounding, use DECIMAL.
  • Fixed-Point Arithmetic: In cases where you need to perform calculations on numbers that must remain exact, such as in inventory management or billing systems.

When to Use FLOAT

  • Scientific Calculations: If you’re working with measurements, scientific data, or calculations where small rounding errors won’t significantly impact results, FLOAT is suitable.
  • Performance and Storage Efficiency: For large datasets where you need to save space and precision is less critical, FLOAT offers a good balance.
  • Range of Values: If you need to store numbers with a very wide range, such as in some physics or engineering applications, FLOAT is appropriate.

Real Life Use Cases

Let’s provide some real-life examples of using DECIMAL and FLOAT in MySQL with code snippets to illustrate how they would be used in actual applications.

Example 1: Using DECIMAL in an E-commerce Application

In an e-commerce platform, where you need to store product prices and calculate the total cost of an order, DECIMAL is essential to ensure accurate financial calculations.

Scenario: You need to calculate the total cost of an order, including taxes and discounts.

CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    product_name VARCHAR(100),
    price DECIMAL(10, 2) -- Price with up to 8 digits before and 2 digits after the decimal point

    order_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    product_id INT,
    quantity INT,
    total_price DECIMAL(10, 2), -- Total price with exact precision
    FOREIGN KEY (product_id) REFERENCES products(product_id)

-- Insert product data
INSERT INTO products (product_id, product_name, price) VALUES
(1, 'Smartphone', 599.99),
(2, 'Laptop', 899.50),
(3, 'Wireless Earbuds', 99.95);

-- Insert an order and calculate the total price
INSERT INTO orders (order_id, product_id, quantity, total_price) VALUES
(1, 1, 2, 599.99 * 2),  -- Order for 2 Smartphones
(2, 2, 1, 899.50);       -- Order for 1 Laptop

-- Query to get the total revenue from orders
SELECT SUM(total_price) AS total_revenue FROM orders;

Explanation: Here, the DECIMAL(10, 2) data type is used for the price and total_price columns to ensure that all calculations involving money are exact, preventing any rounding errors that could affect financial reports.

Example 2: Using FLOAT in a Weather Monitoring Application

In a weather monitoring system, where you need to store sensor data like temperature, humidity, and wind speed, FLOAT is suitable due to its ability to handle a wide range of values with an acceptable level of precision.

Scenario: You need to store and retrieve weather data collected from various sensors.

CREATE TABLE weather_data (
    sensor_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    location VARCHAR(100),
    temperature FLOAT,  -- Temperature readings can have slight precision variations
    humidity FLOAT,     -- Humidity readings with acceptable precision
    wind_speed FLOAT    -- Wind speed readings with floating-point precision

-- Insert sensor data
INSERT INTO weather_data (sensor_id, location, temperature, humidity, wind_speed) VALUES
(1, 'New York', 22.5, 65.2, 5.8),
(2, 'Los Angeles', 25.3, 58.1, 3.2),
(3, 'Chicago', 15.6, 72.4, 6.5);

-- Query to get average temperature
SELECT AVG(temperature) AS avg_temperature FROM weather_data;

-- Query to find the maximum wind speed recorded
SELECT MAX(wind_speed) AS max_wind_speed FROM weather_data;

Explanation: Here, the FLOAT data type is used for the temperature, humidity, and wind_speed columns. This allows for efficient storage and processing of the sensor data, where slight precision loss is acceptable.

Example 3: Using DECIMAL in a Banking Application

In a banking system, where precision in monetary calculations is critical, DECIMAL is used to store balances, interest rates, and transaction amounts.

Scenario: You need to calculate the interest earned on a savings account.

CREATE TABLE accounts (
    account_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    account_holder VARCHAR(100),
    balance DECIMAL(15, 2),  -- Account balance with high precision
    interest_rate DECIMAL(5, 4)  -- Interest rate with precision up to 4 decimal places

-- Insert account data
INSERT INTO accounts (account_id, account_holder, balance, interest_rate) VALUES
(1, 'John Doe', 15000.75, 0.0350),  -- 3.5% interest rate
(2, 'Jane Smith', 30000.00, 0.0425); -- 4.25% interest rate

-- Calculate interest for each account
SELECT account_holder, balance * interest_rate AS interest_earned FROM accounts;

Explanation: The DECIMAL data type is used for both the balance and interest_rate columns to ensure that calculations involving money are accurate and free from rounding errors.

Example 4: Using FLOAT in Game Development

In a game, you might need to store and update a character’s attributes like health and stamina, where precision is less critical, and performance is more important.

Scenario: You need to store and update a character’s health and stamina in real-time.

CREATE TABLE game_characters (
    character_id INT PRIMARY KEY,
    character_name VARCHAR(100),
    health FLOAT,   -- Health points, updated frequently during gameplay
    stamina FLOAT   -- Stamina points, also frequently updated

-- Insert character data
INSERT INTO game_characters (character_id, character_name, health, stamina) VALUES
(1, 'Warrior', 100.0, 75.0),
(2, 'Mage', 80.5, 60.2);

-- Update character's health after taking damage
UPDATE game_characters SET health = health - 15.5 WHERE character_id = 1;

-- Query to check the updated health
SELECT character_name, health FROM game_characters WHERE character_id = 1;

Explanation: The FLOAT data type is used for the health and stamina columns to allow for quick updates during gameplay. The slight loss of precision is acceptable in this context.

These examples demonstrate the practical applications of DECIMAL and FLOAT in real-life scenarios. Use DECIMAL when you need exact precision, such as in financial transactions, e-commerce pricing, and banking applications. Use FLOAT for scenarios where performance is key and minor inaccuracies are acceptable, such as in scientific measurements, game development, and sensor data processing.


1. Can I use FLOAT for storing currency values?
It’s generally not recommended to use FLOAT for currency because it can introduce rounding errors. DECIMAL is a better choice for storing currency.

2. Is DECIMAL slower than FLOAT?
DECIMAL might be slightly slower than FLOAT in calculations due to its storage format, but the difference is typically minimal and should not affect most applications.

3. How much storage does DECIMAL use?
The storage required for DECIMAL depends on the precision and scale specified. It can range from 1 to 13 bytes for typical values.

4. Can FLOAT handle very large numbers?
Yes, FLOAT can handle very large and very small numbers, making it ideal for scientific applications. However, it does so at the cost of precision.

5. What’s the difference between FLOAT and DOUBLE in MySQL?
DOUBLE is similar to FLOAT but offers double the precision. It’s useful when FLOAT doesn’t provide enough precision for your needs.

Summary: MySQL Decimal vs Float

Choosing between DECIMAL and FLOAT in MySQL depends on your specific use case. If you require exact precision, especially in financial or monetary calculations, DECIMAL is the way to go. On the other hand, if you’re dealing with large datasets, scientific data, or situations where minor inaccuracies are acceptable, FLOAT offers better performance and storage efficiency.

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