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How To Automate Google Sheets with Apps Script

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Dominik Keller
Feb 12th, 2025

Learn How To Automate Google Sheets With Apps Script

Welcome to this how-to series for Google Apps Script users! Whether you’re a seasoned developer or just dipping your toes into the world of automation, Google Apps Script is a powerful tool that can help you streamline tasks, automate workflows, and integrate Google services seamlessly. In this series, we’re exploring practical tips and tricks to help you get the most out of Apps Script, from writing your first script to deploying advanced automation solutions.

In today’s post, we’re diving into a topic that’s essential for advanced Google Sheets users: how to automate tasks in Google Sheets. The answer is through Google Apps Script which lets extend the functionality of your spreadsheet through JavaScript code.

Imagine having a script that sends daily email reminders, updates a Google Sheet with fresh data, or connects to a third-party service—all without lifting a finger. By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to extend your Google Sheets projects, turning it into a powerful tool for automation.

Let’s get started!

Meet Five, The Advanced Rapid Application Builder

If Apps Script and Google Sheets are your go-to tools for automation, data storage and interface design, you have probably designed a few great tools, automations or integrations for your own use, your business or your clients. Where to take this next?

Five, a rapid application development environment, takes Google Sheets and Apps Script to the next level. With Five, you can:

✅ Set up and connect to a data source, such as a SQL database, an API or OData endpoint.
✅ Write automations or integrations in JavaScript and trigger or schedule functions based on client- or server-side events, such as onEdit, onCancel, or onPress – the same way you do in Google Sheets and Apps Script.
✅ Get an auto-generated, responsive user interface that looks and feels much more professional than a spreadsheet.
✅ Use role-based access control (RBAC) to create user roles with different CRUD permissions.
✅ Authenticate users through Single Sign-On, 2-Factor Authentication or username and password to share data securely.

Say goodbye to clunky spreadsheet automation. Automate processes in a professional, cloud-native web app instead. Schedule jobs, share data securely, and integrate with 3rd party platforms – all from within Five, an all-in-one tool for building and launching custom software.

Check out some of our sample applications below to better understand the user interface of applications developed in Five or sign up for a free trial to get started.

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Automate Google Sheets with Apps Script

Google Apps Script is a powerful, cloud-based JavaScript platform that integrates with Google Workspace applications, including Google Sheets. It combines the simplicity of Google Sheets with the versatility of JavaScript.

It provides a built-in code editor that allows you to write, debug, and deploy scripts directly within your Google Sheets environment. With Apps Script, you can automate repetitive tasks, extend the functionality of Google Sheets, and create custom workflows. Whether you’re looking to automate data entry, generate reports, or sync data with external APIs, Apps Script makes it possible to turn complex processes into simple, automated routines.

One of the most powerful features of Apps Script is its ability to run functions based on triggers. Triggers are events that automatically execute your script when certain conditions are met. For example, you can set up a time-driven trigger to run a function at specific intervals (e.g., every minute, hour, or day) or an event-based trigger to execute a script when a user edits a sheet, submits a form, or opens a document. This flexibility allows you to create dynamic, responsive workflows that save time and reduce manual effort.

Examples of Google Sheets Automations Built with Apps Script

Google Apps Script is a versatile tool that enables developers and non-developers alike to automate a wide range of tasks in Google Sheets. Here are some common examples that people build using Apps Script:

1. Automated Data Entry and Updates

  • Syncing Data from External APIs: Apps Script can fetch data from external APIs (e.g., weather data, stock prices, or social media metrics) and automatically update a Google Sheet at regular intervals.
  • Importing Data from Other Sheets or Files: You can write scripts to pull data from multiple Google Sheets, CSV files, or even emails and consolidate it into a single master sheet.

2. Custom Reports and Notifications

  • Daily/Weekly Reports: Generate and email customized reports (e.g., sales summaries, project status updates) based on data in a Google Sheet. These reports can be scheduled to run at specific times using time-driven triggers.
  • Real-Time Alerts: Send email or chat notifications (e.g., via Google Chat or Slack) when specific conditions are met, such as when a value exceeds a threshold or a deadline is approaching.

3. Data Validation and Cleaning

  • Automated Data Validation: Ensure data integrity by automatically checking for errors, duplicates, or missing values and flagging them for review.
  • Data Formatting and Cleaning: Standardize data formats (e.g., dates, phone numbers) or remove unnecessary characters and spaces from cells.

4. Workflow Automation

  • Task Assignment and Tracking: Automatically assign tasks to team members based on data in a Google Sheet and update the sheet with task statuses.
  • Approval Workflows: Create workflows where data in a sheet triggers approval requests (e.g., via email) and updates the sheet once approvals are granted.

In the next section, you will learn how to add a simple automation to Google Sheets with Apps Scripts. We will learn how to send a Slack notification when a value exceeds a threshold, for example, if customer satisfaction falls below 3.

How To Automate Google Sheets with Apps Script

In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to set up a Google Apps Script that monitors a field in Google Sheets (e.g., “Customer Satisfaction”) and sends a notification to a Slack channel if the value falls below a specified threshold (e.g., 3). The notification will include a custom message like, “Uh oh: our customers aren’t satisfied!”.

Step 1: Set Up Your Google Sheet

  1. Open Google Sheets and create a new sheet or use an existing one.
  2. Add a column header named “Customer Satisfaction” (or any name you prefer).
  3. Populate the column with numeric values representing customer satisfaction scores.

Step 2: Create a Slack Incoming Webhook

To send messages to Slack, you’ll need to set up an Incoming Webhook:

  1. Go to your Slack workspace and navigate to Settings & Administration > Manage Apps.
  2. Search for “Incoming Webhooks” and click Add to Slack.
  3. Choose the channel where you want to send notifications and click Add Incoming WebHooks Integration.
  4. Copy the Webhook URL provided by Slack. You’ll use this URL in your Apps Script.

Step 3: Write the Apps Script

  1. Open your Google Sheet and go to Extensions > Apps Script.
  2. Delete any default code and paste the following script:
// Slack Webhook URL (replace with your own)

// Threshold for customer satisfaction

// Function to check the "Customer Satisfaction" column and send a Slack notification
function checkCustomerSatisfaction() {
  const sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getActiveSheet();
  const data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues();

  // Assuming "Customer Satisfaction" is in the first column (index 0)
  for (let i = 1; i < data.length; i++) { // Start from row 1 to skip header
    const satisfactionScore = data[i][0];

    if (satisfactionScore < SATISFACTION_THRESHOLD) {
      sendSlackNotification(`Uh oh: our customers aren't satisfied! (Score: ${satisfactionScore})`);

// Function to send a message to Slack
function sendSlackNotification(message) {
  const payload = {
    text: message,

  const options = {
    method: "post",
    contentType: "application/json",
    payload: JSON.stringify(payload),

  UrlFetchApp.fetch(SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL, options);

  1. Replace YOUR_SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL with the Slack Webhook URL you copied earlier.
  2. Save the script by clicking the floppy disk icon or pressing Ctrl + S. Name the project (e.g., “Slack Notification Script”).

Integrating Slack with Five

If you are wondering whether you can do the same in Five, the answer is yes. Learn how to build a web app that automatically sends a message into a Slack channel every time a new order is received in our code-along article here.

With Five, instead of a spreadsheet user interface, you get a real web application that works on any device. And you can add role-based access control too.

Step 4: Set Up a Time-Driven Trigger

To automatically check the “Customer Satisfaction” column and send notifications, set up a time-driven trigger:

  1. In the Apps Script editor, click on the Triggers icon (clock symbol) in the left sidebar.
  2. Click + Add Trigger.
  3. Configure the trigger as follows:
  • Choose which function to run: checkCustomerSatisfaction
  • Choose which deployment should run: Head
  • Select event source: Time-driven
  • Select type of time-based trigger: Minute timer > Every minute (or choose a frequency that suits your needs).

3. Click Save.

Step 5: Test the Script

  1. Add a value below 3 in the “Customer Satisfaction” column of your Google Sheet.
  2. Wait for the trigger to run (or manually run the checkCustomerSatisfaction function from the Apps Script editor).
  3. Check your Slack channel for the notification: “Uh oh: our customers aren’t satisfied! (Score: X)”.

Step 6: Customize and Expand

  • Add More Conditions: Modify the script to check multiple columns or add additional logic.
  • Format Slack Messages: Use Slack’s message formatting to make notifications more visually appealing.
  • Log Actions: Use Logger.log() or write actions to a separate sheet for auditing purposes.

By following these steps, you’ve created an automated system that monitors customer satisfaction scores in Google Sheets and sends Slack notifications when values fall below a threshold. This is just one example of how Apps Script can integrate Google Sheets with external tools like Slack to streamline workflows and keep teams informed!

Happy scripting!

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