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MySQL CAST INT to STRING: A Comprehensive Guide

Ryan Forrester
Aug 28th, 2024

Breakdown of MySQL CAST INT to STRING

One common operation that developers often need to perform is converting an integer (INT) to a string (CHAR or VARCHAR). This is typically done using the CAST or CONVERT functions in MySQL.

In this article, we will delve into how to cast an INT to a STRING in MySQL, the scenarios where this might be necessary, and best ways to use these functions.

What is CAST in MySQL?

The CAST function in MySQL is used to convert one data type into another. For instance, you might need to convert an integer to a string or a string to a date. The basic syntax of the CAST function is:

CAST(expression AS data_type)



In this example, the integer 12345 is cast to a string. The result will be a string representation of the number, "12345".

Why Would You Need to Convert an INT to a STRING?

There are several scenarios where converting an INT to a STRING might be necessary:

  1. Concatenation: When combining text and numbers, you may need to ensure that all data types are strings. Example:
   SELECT CONCAT('Order ID: ', CAST(order_id AS CHAR)) FROM orders;
  1. Formatting: If you want to display numbers in a specific format, converting them to strings can help apply formatting rules.
  2. Data Storage: Sometimes, you might want to store numeric data as strings for consistency in data types across columns or tables.
  3. Dynamic SQL: When constructing dynamic SQL queries, converting numbers to strings can make the query construction process easier.


MySQL provides two functions for converting data types: CAST and CONVERT. While both achieve similar results, their syntax is slightly different.

CAST Syntax:

SELECT CAST(expression AS data_type);


SELECT CONVERT(expression, data_type);

Example with CONVERT:


Both CAST and CONVERT will return the same result when converting an integer to a string.

MySQL CAST INT to STRING with a Rapid Database Builder

While understanding SQL and executing efficient queries isn’t too difficult, managing a complete database often requires significant SQL knowledge. This is where rapid database builders like Five come into play.

Five provides a MySQL database for your application and generates an automatic UI, making it easier to interact with your data and perform operations.

With Five, you can create interactive forms, dynamic charts, and comprehensive reports that are automatically generated based on your database schema. This means you can efficiently handle tasks, such as converting INT to STRING in your MySQL database, without needing to dive deep into SQL syntax.

Five also enables you to write custom JavaScript and TypeScript functions, providing additional flexibility to implement complex business logic.

Once your application is ready, Five simplifies deployment with just a few clicks, allowing you to deploy your MySQL-based application to a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure. This lets you focus on development while Five handles the intricacies of cloud deployment.

If you’re serious about using MySQL and efficiently managing data, give Five a try.

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Practical Examples of Casting INT to STRING

Let’s look at a few practical examples to better understand how to cast INT to STRING in MySQL.

Example 1: Concatenating Strings with Integers

SELECT CONCAT('Invoice Number: ', CAST(invoice_number AS CHAR)) FROM invoices;

In this example, invoice_number is an integer, and we want to concatenate it with a string. By casting the integer to a string, we can smoothly combine the two.

Example 2: Using CAST in a WHERE Clause

Sometimes, you may need to perform operations where you compare strings and integers. In such cases, casting can be helpful.

SELECT * FROM users WHERE CAST(user_id AS CHAR) = '12345';

In this case, we are comparing the user_id (an integer) to a string. By casting user_id to a string, the comparison becomes straightforward.

Example 3: Formatting Numbers

If you want to display a number with leading zeros, you can first cast it to a string and then apply the desired formatting.

SELECT LPAD(CAST(order_number AS CHAR), 10, '0') FROM orders;

Here, LPAD pads the order_number with zeros to make it a 10-character string.

Things to Keep In Mind

  1. Know When to Cast: Only cast data types when necessary. Unnecessary casting can lead to performance issues, especially with large datasets.
  2. Be Aware of String Lengths: When casting to a string, ensure that the resulting string is long enough to hold the converted value. MySQL may truncate strings if they exceed the column’s length limit.
  3. Use Consistent Data Types: When performing operations on data, ensure that the data types are consistent. Mixing data types can lead to unexpected behavior or errors.
  4. Handle NULL Values: If your data might contain NULL values, handle them appropriately. Casting NULL to a string will result in NULL, which could affect your query results.

Common Things to Avoid

1. Implicit Casting

MySQL sometimes performs implicit casting, which can lead to unexpected results. Always be explicit with your casts to avoid confusion.

2. Performance Impact

Casting large datasets can be resource-intensive. If possible, perform casting operations in your application layer rather than in the database.

3. Data Loss

Ensure that the target string data type is large enough to hold the converted value. If the integer is too large, MySQL may truncate the string, leading to data loss.

FAQ Section

1. What is the difference between CAST and CONVERT in MySQL?

CAST and CONVERT both perform data type conversion in MySQL. The primary difference is in their syntax. CAST uses the syntax CAST(expression AS data_type), while CONVERT uses CONVERT(expression, data_type).

2. Can I cast other data types to strings in MySQL?

Yes, you can cast various data types to strings in MySQL, including dates, decimals, and other numeric types.

3. What happens if I cast a NULL value to a string?

If you cast a NULL value to a string, the result will still be NULL. MySQL doesn’t change the value of NULL during the casting process.

4. Is there a performance difference between CAST and CONVERT?

There is no significant performance difference between CAST and CONVERT in MySQL. Both functions are optimized for similar operations.

5. How do I handle casting in complex queries?

In complex queries, it’s best to use explicit casting at each stage where necessary. This makes the query easier to understand and reduces the risk of errors caused by implicit conversions.


Converting an INT to a STRING in MySQL is a straightforward process using the CAST or CONVERT functions. This operation is useful in various scenarios, including concatenation, formatting, and dynamic SQL construction.

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