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Understanding MySQL INT Max Value

Ryan Forrester
Aug 28th, 2024

Breakdown of MySQL INT Max Value

When working with databases, it’s essential to understand the limitations of data types, especially when dealing with numerical values. In MySQL, the INT data type is commonly used for storing whole numbers. However, knowing the maximum value that INT can hold is crucial for avoiding potential data overflow issues. This article will guide you through the specifics of the MySQL INT max value, its variations, and best practices for using this data type effectively.

What is MySQL INT Data Type?

In MySQL, the INT (integer) data type is used to store integer values, both positive and negative. The INT data type can be categorized into four primary types based on the storage size:

  1. TINYINT: 1 byte
  2. SMALLINT: 2 bytes
  3. MEDIUMINT: 3 bytes
  4. INT: 4 bytes (also known as INTEGER)
  5. BIGINT: 8 bytes

For the purpose of this article, we’ll focus on the INT type, which occupies 4 bytes of storage.

MySQL INT Max Value

The range of values that the INT data type can hold depends on whether it is signed or unsigned:

  • Signed INT: A signed integer can store both positive and negative numbers.
  • Unsigned INT: An unsigned integer can only store positive numbers, which effectively doubles the maximum positive value it can hold.

Signed INT

The signed INT type in MySQL can store values between:

  • Minimum Value: -2,147,483,648
  • Maximum Value: 2,147,483,647

Unsigned INT

The unsigned INT type in MySQL can store values between:

  • Minimum Value: 0
  • Maximum Value: 4,294,967,295

By using the UNSIGNED keyword, you can instruct MySQL to treat the integer as unsigned, effectively doubling the maximum value at the cost of losing the ability to store negative numbers.

MySQL INT Max Value with a Rapid Database Builder

While understanding SQL and executing efficient queries isn’t too difficult, managing a complete database often requires significant SQL knowledge. This is where rapid database builders like Five come into play.

Five provides a MySQL database for your application and generates an automatic UI, making it easier to interact with your data and perform operations.

With Five, you can create interactive forms, dynamic charts, and comprehensive reports that are automatically generated based on your database schema. This means you can efficiently handle tasks, such as managing and working with large integer values (like ensuring you stay within the MySQL INT max value limits) in your MySQL database, without needing to dive deep into SQL syntax.

Five also enables you to write custom JavaScript and TypeScript functions, providing additional flexibility to implement complex business logic.

Once your application is ready, Five simplifies deployment with just a few clicks, allowing you to deploy your MySQL-based application to a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure. This lets you focus on development while Five handles the intricacies of cloud deployment.

If you’re serious about using MySQL and efficiently managing data, give Five a try.

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Practical Examples of INT in MySQL

Understanding how to utilize the INT data type correctly can help you manage data more effectively. Below are some examples to illustrate this.

Example 1: Creating a Table with Signed INT

    user_id INT SIGNED,
    username VARCHAR(255)

In this example, the user_id column can hold both positive and negative values, with a maximum of 2,147,483,647.

Example 2: Creating a Table with Unsigned INT

CREATE TABLE products (
    product_id INT UNSIGNED,
    product_name VARCHAR(255)

Here, the product_id column can only hold positive values, up to 4,294,967,295, making it suitable for IDs or counts that will never be negative.

Considerations When Using INT Data Type

  1. Data Overflow: If you try to insert a value larger than the maximum value for the INT data type, you will encounter an error. Always ensure your application logic prevents this from happening.
  2. Storage Efficiency: While INT is a versatile data type, consider using smaller types like TINYINT or SMALLINT when you know the values will be within their ranges. This can save storage space, especially in large databases.
  3. Choosing Between Signed and Unsigned: If your data will never contain negative numbers, it’s a good practice to use UNSIGNED to maximize the positive range of the INT data type.
  4. Future-Proofing: Always consider the future growth of your data. If there’s a possibility that your data might exceed the limits of INT, consider using BIGINT, which has a significantly larger range.

How to Check the Maximum INT Value Programmatically

In MySQL, you can check the maximum value of an INT data type using the following query:

SELECT POW(2, 31) - 1 AS signed_max_value, POW(2, 32) - 1 AS unsigned_max_value;

This query will return the maximum values for both signed and unsigned integers.


1. What happens if I insert a value larger than the INT max value?
If you insert a value larger than the INT max value, MySQL will throw an “Out of Range” error. The value will not be inserted, and you may need to handle this error in your application code.

2. Can I change an existing column to UNSIGNED without losing data?
Yes, you can change a column to UNSIGNED, but only if all existing values in that column are non-negative. If any value is negative, you will need to handle those cases before altering the column.

3. When should I use BIGINT instead of INT?
Use BIGINT when you expect your values to exceed the range of INT. For example, tracking high counts, financial data, or IDs in large databases might require BIGINT.

4. How can I ensure my data stays within the INT range?
Implement validation checks in your application to ensure that values do not exceed the INT range before inserting them into the database.

5. What is the difference between TINYINT, SMALLINT, MEDIUMINT, and INT?
These are all integer data types, differing in the number of bytes they use for storage, and consequently, the range of values they can hold. TINYINT uses 1 byte, SMALLINT uses 2 bytes, MEDIUMINT uses 3 bytes, and INT uses 4 bytes.


Understanding the maximum value of the INT data type in MySQL is critical for efficient database management. By knowing the differences between signed and unsigned INT, and applying best practices in your database design, you can avoid data overflow issues and make better decisions about storage and performance.

Sign up for free access to Five’s online development environment and start building your MySQL web application today.

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