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Update Several Columns in SQL

Ryan Forrester
Sep 6th, 2024

Breakdown of Updating Several Columns in SQL

One of the most common operations developers and database administrators perform is updating data.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through the process of updating several columns in SQL, providing you with the knowledge and techniques to optimize your database operations.

Understanding the Basics of SQL UPDATE Statements

Before diving into multi-column updates, let’s refresh our understanding of the basic SQL UPDATE syntax:

UPDATE table_name
SET column1 = value1
WHERE condition;

This structure allows you to modify a single column in one or more rows that meet the specified condition. However, when dealing with complex data modifications, updating columns one at a time can be inefficient and time-consuming.

Advantages of Several Column Updates

Updating several columns in a single SQL statement offers numerous advantages:

  1. Improved Performance: By reducing the number of database operations, you minimize server load and execution time.
  2. Atomic Operations: Multi-column updates ensure that all changes occur simultaneously, maintaining data integrity.
  3. Cleaner Code: Consolidating updates into a single statement makes your SQL scripts more readable and maintainable.
  4. Reduced Network Traffic: Fewer database calls mean less data transferred between your application and the database server.

Syntax for Updating Multiple Columns

The syntax for updating multiple columns is a simple extension of the basic UPDATE statement:

UPDATE table_name
    column1 = value1,
    column2 = value2,
    column3 = value3
WHERE condition;

By using commas to separate multiple column-value pairs, you can modify as many columns as needed in a single operation.

Practical Examples of Multi-Column Updates

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where updating several columns simultaneously can be beneficial:

Example 1: Updating Customer Information

Suppose you need to update a customer’s contact details in a customers table:

UPDATE customers
    email = '',
    phone = '555-1234',
    address = '123 Main St'
WHERE customer_id = 1001;

This single statement updates the email, phone, and address for a specific customer, streamlining what would otherwise require three separate UPDATE operations.

Example 2: Adjusting Product Details

In an e-commerce database, you might need to update various attributes of a product:

UPDATE products
    price = 29.99,
    stock_quantity = stock_quantity - 5,
    last_updated = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
WHERE product_id = 'ABC123';

This example demonstrates how you can combine different types of updates, including direct value assignments, calculations, and function calls, all in one statement.

Update Several Columns with a Rapid Database Builder

While understanding SQL and executing efficient queries isn’t too difficult, updating several columns in SQL often requires a deeper understanding of SQL syntax and structure, especially when dealing with multiple columns in a single query.

This is where rapid database builders like Five come into play. Five provides a MySQL database for your application and generates an automatic UI, making it easier to interact with your data.

With Five, you can create interactive forms, dynamic charts, comprehensive PDF reports, and dashboards that are automatically generated based on your database schema.

Five also enables you to write custom JavaScript and TypeScript functions, providing you with the flexibility to implement complex business logic.

Once your application is ready, Five makes deployment easy with just a few clicks, allowing you to deploy your MySQL-based application to a secure, scalable cloud infrastructure.

This lets you focus on what you need to, while Five handles the complexities of cloud deployment and infrastructure management.

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Other Techniques for Multi-Column Updates

As you become more comfortable with basic multi-column updates, consider these advanced techniques to further enhance your SQL skills:

Using Subqueries in Updates

Subqueries allow you to update columns based on data from other tables:

UPDATE employees e
    e.salary = e.salary * 1.1,
    e.bonus = (SELECT AVG(salary) * 0.05 FROM employees WHERE department = e.department)
WHERE e.performance_rating > 8;

This complex update increases the salary of high-performing employees and sets their bonus based on the average salary in their department.

Conditional Updates with CASE Statements

The CASE statement enables you to apply different updates based on specific conditions:

UPDATE orders
    status = CASE 
        WHEN payment_received = 1 AND shipped = 1 THEN 'Completed'
        WHEN payment_received = 1 AND shipped = 0 THEN 'Processing'
        ELSE 'Pending'
    last_modified = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

This update dynamically sets the order status based on payment and shipping flags, while also updating the last modified timestamp.


By consolidating multiple updates into single, efficient statements, you can enhance performance, maintain data integrity, and write cleaner, more maintainable code. As you apply these techniques to your projects, you’ll find that complex data modifications become more straightforward and your databases operate better.

Sign up for free access to Five’s online development environment and start building your MySQL web application today.

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