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SQL Greater Than Queries: Comprehensive Guide

Ryan Forrester
Oct 16th, 2024

Breakdown of SQL Greater Than Queries

SQL’s greater than operator (>) is a fundamental tool for data filtering and analysis. Whether you’re a budding data analyst or a seasoned developer, understanding how to effectively use this operator can significantly enhance your database querying skills.

This article dives into the nuts and bolts of greater than queries, providing practical examples and real-world applications.

The Basics of Greater Than in SQL

At its core, the greater than operator compares values and returns true when the left operand is larger than the right operand. In SQL, it’s commonly used in WHERE clauses to filter results.

Let’s start with a simple example. Imagine we have a table called employees with columns for id, name, age, and salary. Here’s how we might use the greater than operator to find employees older than 30:

SELECT name, age
FROM employees
WHERE age > 30;

This query returns the names and ages of all employees who are over 30 years old. Simple, right? But there’s much more we can do with this operator.

Combining Greater Than with Other Conditions

In real-world scenarios, we often need to combine multiple conditions. SQL allows us to do this using logical operators like AND and OR.

For instance, let’s find employees who are over 30 and earn more than $50,000:

SELECT name, age, salary
FROM employees
WHERE age > 30 AND salary > 50000;

We can also use the greater than operator with dates. Suppose we have a hire_date column, and we want to find employees hired after January 1, 2020, who are also over 25:

SELECT name, hire_date, age
FROM employees
WHERE hire_date > '2020-01-01' AND age > 25;

Greater Than or Equal To

Sometimes, we want to include the boundary value in our results. That’s where the greater than or equal to operator (>=) comes in handy. Let’s modify our first example to include 30-year-olds:

SELECT name, age
FROM employees
WHERE age >= 30;

This query will return employees who are 30 years old and older.

Using Greater Than with Subqueries

Subqueries can make our greater than comparisons more dynamic. For example, let’s find employees who earn more than the average salary:

SELECT name, salary
FROM employees
WHERE salary > (SELECT AVG(salary) FROM employees);

This query first calculates the average salary across all employees, then returns the name and salary of employees earning more than that average.

Greater Than in JOIN Conditions

The greater than operator isn’t limited to WHERE clauses. We can also use it in JOIN conditions. Imagine we have another table called departments with columns id, name, and min_age. We can join this with our employees table to find employees who meet the minimum age requirement for each department:

SELECT, e.age, AS department
FROM employees e
JOIN departments d ON e.age > d.min_age;

This query returns employees along with departments where they meet the minimum age requirement, even if it’s not their actual department.

Working with Null Values

It’s crucial to understand how the greater than operator behaves with NULL values. In SQL, any comparison with NULL returns NULL, not true or false. This means rows with NULL values won’t be included in the results of a greater than comparison.

Let’s say some employees have NULL for their age. This query won’t return those employees:

SELECT name, age
FROM employees
WHERE age > 30 OR age <= 30;

To include employees with NULL age, we need to explicitly check for NULL:

SELECT name, age
FROM employees
WHERE age > 30 OR age <= 30 OR age IS NULL;

Using Greater Than with String Comparisons

While less common, we can use the greater than operator with strings. SQL compares strings lexicographically, which means it compares them character by character based on their ASCII or Unicode values.

For example, to find employees whose names come after ‘M’ in the alphabet:

FROM employees
WHERE name > 'M';

This query will return names starting with ‘N’ through ‘Z’. Be cautious with string comparisons, as they can be case-sensitive depending on your database collation settings.

Greater Than in UPDATE Statements

The greater than operator isn’t just for SELECT statements. We can use it in UPDATE statements too. For instance, let’s give a 10% raise to employees earning less than $50,000:

UPDATE employees
SET salary = salary * 1.1
WHERE salary < 50000;

While this example uses less than, it demonstrates how comparison operators work in UPDATE statements. You could easily modify this to use greater than instead.

Build a Web Application using only SQL

Building an entire web app using only SQL is not only possible but can be incredibly efficient with the right tools. With Five, a rapid application development environment, you can create a fully responsive SQL app that runs on top of a MySQL database without needing any additional programming languages or frameworks.

The step-by-step tutorial available here will guide you through creating:

  • A MySQL-based database for your web app.
  • A form-based user interface that dynamically interacts with the data.
  • Interactive charts and comprehensive PDF reports directly from SQL queries.
  • A secure login system, turning your SQL queries into a multiuser app.

Using Five, the development process is simplified. The platform automatically generates forms, charts, reports, and other front-end elements based on your SQL schema, meaning you can build an entire application with just SQL and Five’s intuitive visual tools.

By the end the tutorial available here “How To Build a SQL App“, you will have a fully functional web app that uses SQL to manage data, generate reports, and provide a dynamic user experience — all without writing any additional code outside SQL.

Get started with free access to Five’s development environment and begin building your SQL-powered web app today!

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Performance Considerations

When using greater than in your queries, keep in mind that it can affect query performance, especially on large datasets. If you frequently run queries with greater than conditions on a particular column, consider adding an index to that column.

For example:

CREATE INDEX idx_employee_age ON employees(age);

This index can significantly speed up queries that filter on the age column.

Real-World Use Cases

Let’s explore some real-world scenarios where greater than queries prove invaluable:

1. E-commerce Inventory Management

Imagine you’re running an e-commerce platform and need to identify products that are running low on stock. You might use a query like this:

SELECT product_name, stock_quantity
FROM products
WHERE stock_quantity < reorder_level;

This query helps inventory managers quickly identify products that need restocking.

2. Financial Analysis

In financial applications, greater than queries are crucial for identifying transactions above certain thresholds. For instance, to flag high-value transactions for review:

SELECT transaction_id, amount, customer_id
FROM transactions
WHERE amount > 10000

This query could be part of a fraud detection system, highlighting potentially suspicious activities.

3. HR Analytics

HR departments often need to analyze employee data. For example, to identify employees due for performance reviews:

SELECT name, hire_date, DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), hire_date) AS days_employed
FROM employees
WHERE DATEDIFF(CURDATE(), hire_date) > 365
AND last_review_date < DATE_SUB(CURDATE(), INTERVAL 1 YEAR);

This query finds employees who have been with the company for more than a year and haven’t had a review in the past year.

4. Customer Segmentation

Marketing teams might use greater than queries to segment customers based on their purchase history:

SELECT c.customer_id,, SUM(o.total_amount) AS total_spent
FROM customers c
JOIN orders o ON c.customer_id = o.customer_id
GROUP BY c.customer_id,
HAVING total_spent > 1000
ORDER BY total_spent DESC;

This query identifies high-value customers who have spent more than $1,000, helping to target marketing efforts.

Advanced Techniques

As you become more comfortable with greater than queries, you can combine them with other SQL features for more complex analyses:

Window Functions

Window functions allow you to perform calculations across a set of rows that are related to the current row. Here’s an example that ranks employees by salary within their department:

    RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY department ORDER BY salary DESC) as salary_rank
FROM employees
WHERE salary > 50000;

This query ranks employees earning over $50,000 within their respective departments.

Common Table Expressions (CTEs)

CTEs can make complex queries more readable. Here’s an example that finds employees earning more than 1.5 times the average salary in their department:

WITH dept_averages AS (
    SELECT department, AVG(salary) as avg_salary
    FROM employees
    GROUP BY department
SELECT, e.department, e.salary, d.avg_salary
FROM employees e
JOIN dept_averages d ON e.department = d.department
WHERE e.salary > d.avg_salary * 1.5;

This query first calculates the average salary for each department, then finds employees whose salaries exceed that average by 50% or more.


The greater than operator in SQL is a tool for data analysis and manipulation. From basic filtering to complex data insights, using this operator opens up a world of possibilities in database querying.

As you’ve seen, it’s not just about finding values above a certain threshold—it’s about combining this operation with other SQL features to extract meaningful insights from your data.

Get started with free access to Five’s development environment and begin building your SQL-powered web app today!

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